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Hi-Pro Emulsi-D3

Hi-Pro Emulsi-D3


Hi-Po Emulsi-D3™ is a concentrated, highly bioavailable liquid vitamin D formulation offering a broad range of dosage and titration possibilities. Unlike most other liquid vitamin D products available, Hi-Po Emulsi-D3™ is a convenient, pleasant-tasting and easily mixable formula. A natural emulsion technology allows for the production of 2,000 IU per drop that quickly and completely disperses in liquid. This cutting-edge technology provides enhanced bioavailability, utilizing only naturally derived ingredients that are free of preservatives and synthetic surfactants. Presented in a 1-ounce glass bottle, Hi-Po Emulsi-D3™ makes dosing vitamin D convenient. It can be dropped into any beverage or simply on the tongue, and it provides accurate dosing one drop at a time.



Take 1 drop per day or as directed by health care practitioner

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