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Gluco Control
  • Gluco Control


    This amazing product is designed to help balance blood sugars as well as helps you shed extra weight. One of the ingredients in this priduct also has a added beebfit of helping with digestion. This is amazing products for anyone looking to shed weight but seems to have trouble doind so.

    *Consult a health practitioner on hwo to take this product 

    SKU: 36523641234523
    • PRODUCT INFO: Dose, Contraindications

      For the optimal balance of blood glucose and blood lipids. A herbal/nutrient formulation designed to help optimize all aspects of glucose metabolization, absorption, and utilization


      Helps support healthy glucose levels.*

      Helps support healthy blood lipid levels.

      Helps the body to metabolize carbohydrates.

      Helps the body to metabolize fats.

      Helps the body to metabolize proteins.

      Provides support for healthy glucose metabolism

      Recommended Dose:

      Take 2 capsules 2 times a day.

      Take with food/meals.


      Product can be returned within 30 days of purchase. Seal must be in place for returns


      Pick up at the storefront location in Cornwall

      Delivery fee of 5$. Delivery on Fridays between 2-4 pm

    Interested in an item? Email  to inquire about placing an order! We'd be happy to help you select the right products and answer any of your questions!

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